
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Mobile Marketing Agency

Are you looking for a good marketing tool to endorse your brand or your company? Call a mobile marketing agency today and they will give you the answer.

What is a mobile marketing agency?

A mobile marketing agency is a company that deals with text message marketing to promote their client’s company including the said company’s products and services. They do this by sending text messages to millions of people.

What can a mobile marketing agency do for me?

A mobile marketing agency should be the first one you should call if you are having a crisis in terms of marketing because a reliable mobile marketing agency can help you improve the reputation of your brand and can also help you improve sales.

Is text message marketing safe? Is it a good method?

Many business owners feel uncomfortable when you say you will be sending personal text messages to people to promote their products. This should not be the case because sms marketing reaches billions of people around the world and has a 97% success rate of being read by the receiver. This is something email marketers cannot promise to you. They can send billions of messages through email everyday but still do not make any sales. This is considered money wasted on your part because you are sending ads that are never read much less opened. Sending text messages is a good way to advertise because the lot of the population open their text messages and read them as well since this is a very personal medium.

Is text message marketing effective?

Since the messages delivered are read, they are effective. According to seasoned marketers who have utilized this kind of strategy, the response time is faster because if you have gotten the attention of your target population, you will be getting calls, orders and clicks in no time.


As with any other method, this kind of marketing strategy may make or break you. This means you should be able to use it wisely. The first advice is to not flood the text messaging channels by sending multiple messages to the same people. If you keep on sending them messages and it feels like you are already sending them by the hour, your target market may be annoyed and you will lose prospect clients. It is better to do such a campaign with the opinions of the cell phone owners in mind since they are the people you are targeting for your products.

1 comment:

  1. Mobile marketing is on the rise and is increasingly big business. Many companies are actively diverting their marketing spend and budget into mobile media so the use of a professional and knowledgeable mobile marketing agency is vital in regards to the success of any mobile marketing strategy.
